“Investigating kindness can certainly be artistically interesting. Kvad-ra-turen is a theatre experience so open to the world that it becomes political."

Hedda Fredly, Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift.


By Berstad / Carlsen

Kvad-ra-turen is a hike and three kvad. At an agreed time and place, we will call you on the phone and sing you into Kvadraturen in Oslo.

A kvad is a vocal music tradition from Norwegian folk music. Alone, but at the same time together with others, Kvad-ra-turen is searching for connections to the place and a larger community.

The experience unfolds as you walk in the lonesome company that only a song sung over the phone can give. Through guided instructions, the audience become dancers and participate in a choreography of bodies in public space and take part in the cityscape in a different way than the one we know from everyday life.

Kvad-ra-turen, is the second work by Berstad / Carlsen that are based on the kvad's tradition of evoking stories – stories that connect us to places. This time they have chosen Kvadraturen in Oslo, an urban environment with a higher pace and more impressions that affect the physicality and sensitivity of the walk.

The audience sets out guided by one person singing one kvad. At a certain time and place the call will be transferred and they will meet a new singer and a new kvad. The place where the call is transferred is also a place where the three walking audience members can see each other and (maybe) discover that they are part of the same performance.

Kvad-ra-turen premiered in August 2021, presented by Black Box teater in Oslo.


Idea, concept: Ingeleiv Berstad, Tormod Carlsen

Performers, co-creators: Heidi Dalene, Eivind Seljeseth, Ida Gulbrandsen, Terje Tjøme Mossige, Marie Bergby Handeland, Arturo Tovar

Text: Aina Villanger, Siri Katinka Valdez, Ingeleiv Berstad and the artistic co-creators

Outside eye: Per Platou, Melanie Fieldseth

Production, administration: Ifrah Osman

Song book: published bu Blomster & Bureau, Illustrations by Amalie Vestergaard Olsen

Production management: Bananaz – Forening for Scenekunst

Supported by: Arts Council Norway, Municipality of Oslo, Selvaag Eiendom

Co-production: Black Box teater


STINN BRAKKE - Grønlandsleiret (2021) Berstad / Helgebostad


NIKULPMYRENE 2.0 (2021) Berstad / Helgebostad / Wigdel / Lie